Purplebox was created out of a passion to enable advisers to deliver a high-impact visual experience to clients, while reducing the cost of providing advice.

Flexibox – Digital Fact Finds
Research shows Advisers typically spend between 2 and 4 hours chasing Fact Find data.
Flexibox can analyse and digitise any client fact find questionnaire. Advisers can deliver clean digital data views to their clients via their own personal online space, while remaining compliant with their licensee – removing the need to revert to paper/PDFs.
Two-way integration with XPLAN ensures Goals, Objectives and financial situation remain current, reducing the time from client engagement to advice preparation.

my.solutions accelerator
my.solutions allows advisers to tailor an engagement process to suit their practice, delivering a high-impact visual and transparent experience to clients. This is all powered by an automated pipeline sales engine and client meeting booking system, so advisers know who’s engaged, when’s the next meeting, and what’s pending. Track a client’s journey throughout every meeting with their adviser, educate your clients via the media and content centre – and delve into real client relationships using the family tree discussion tool.