CBA says x15ventures paying off with faster launches
CBA has launched a number of apps and initiatives to expand its personalisation in the home loan, investment, rewards, and children’s banking markets.
During a strategy update, CBA chief executive Matt Comyn announced multiple new projects, saying the bank is “making sure we have the absolute best-in-class digital experience for our customers” as a competitive advantage.
Through its innovation arm x15ventures, Comyn said CBA is “playing a role in bringing some of those innovative propositions to market faster.”
“Overhauling the technology from within the organisation”, he said, is “a key enabler of facilitating greater speed to market.”
Comyn said that CBA isn’t just focused on “digitising banking” but instead “reimagining overall customer experiences in a digital era.”
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Source: CBA says x15ventures paying off with faster launches – Finance – Strategy – iTnews