Carbar unveils loan options for subscribers with CarClarity partnership
Carbar customers will now be able to move their subscription vehicle onto a loan arrangement, allowing them to purchase their subscription car from Carbar.
The move – aimed to complement Carbar’s existing subscription offering – comes as a result of a new partnership between auto technology company Carbar and car loan platform CarClarity.
Under the arrangement, CarClarity will provide Carbar with a unique quote for a loan tailored to a subscription — comparing options from over 30 lenders. This will then be passed onto subscribers as an option for consideration.
Carbar CEO Des Hang said, “By launching this service, we’re meeting a request from subscribers that usually happens when they fall in love with their car or have a change in life circumstances.
“However, many that want to purchase the car off us don’t have the upfront cash to do so. Or, as our recent survey with YouGov found, they’d prefer to spend those extra funds on other things such as holidays, celebrations, or their home.”
“All of these factors underscore the need for this partnership which will offer more options to our customers. CarClarity is as focused on the customer experience as we are. We look forward to working with them.”
Zaheer Jappie, CEO and Founder of CarClarity said, ‘We are excited to be partnering with Carbar as like CarClarity they are an innovator in helping Australian’s secure access to a vehicle that meets their needs.”
“When a Carbar customer wants to take the next step of permanently acquiring the vehicle they have sourced off Carbar, we’re able to help find them a financing solution that’s affordable for the customer and takes into consideration their personal circumstances. This unique financing solution works towards what the customer is already paying and gives Carbar customers more choices.”